Friday, February 24, 2012

Yarn Wall Art

So about 2 weeks ago we had a mission trip come into Jeff St (which is where I work).  They were coming to update our building and love on our homeless guests.  We had a few projects lined up for them but the one I was most excited about was my Pinterest inspired project.  I had wanted to try this project for a while but didn't have the opportunity until now.  I was pumped to have a space big enough to do this and a boss awesome enough to allow me to do this.  I was VERY glad to have a group here to help me.

Okay, so this was pretty cheap but time consuming.

Here's what you need:

- a blank wall
- printer paper and a printer
- tape
- a level
- 1 1/2" nails
- sharpie
- hammer
- yarn
- tweezers (optional)

That's it!

So we started with a blank wall
Exciting I know...

Then print the font you want and tape all the letters together.  After that start putting the paper up on the wall and use tape to secure it to the wall.  Make sure to use a level so you don't have crooked words.

Next mark all your nails with a sharpie 3/4" from the head of the nail.  This will ensure that all your nails stick out the same amount from the wall and keeps everything uniform.  Once all your nails are marked you can use the hammer to put all the nails into the wall.  Basically you trace the letters with nails.  Curved letters, like C and S, need the most nails but most use sparingly (we only used 4 for the letter I).

This part took the longest amount of time but if you are patient the rest of it will be a piece of cake.

Once you have all your nails in the wall you tear down the paper.  And what is left is the outline of the letters.  Sometimes there are small pieces of paper that get stuck between the wall and the nail but a good pair of tweezers would solve that problem.  We didn't have tweezers and just used our fingers but tweezers would have been GREAT!

Now that all your paper is ripped off, you have just nails left and you can start wrapping the nails with yarn.  This is the fun part!  We used three different colors but you could use whatever color combo you wanted.  You tie a knot at the beginning and wrap it around as many times as you like (we wrapped it 5 times) and then tie another knot at the end.  Once all the letters are done you go back and trim all the excess yarn,where your knots are, with some scissors.

I could not have done it without these wonderful people.  They are so sweet to come all the way from Michigan to help with a Pinterest project ;)

Oh, the pictures that look awesome were taken by Natasha.  She is a great photographer and I was so thankful to have some (legit) documentation of the transformation.  Here is her photography blog: Check it out, you won't regret it!

*The pictures that were not awesome were taken by me, haha.  I am NOT a photographer.

Project cost:
 - $8 for yarn (we only used 3 bundles of yarn and didn't even use all of it)
- $5 for nails
- $0 all the other supplies were already on hand.
Grand total: $13!

  It was a very fun project and great if you need to cover a large wall with art work for cheap.

Thanks for stopping by!


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